fab‘rik Founder, Dana Spinola, was taught from a young age that if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. This mantra inspired her to leave Corporate America and open her first clothing boutique in 2002. The mission behind fab’rik’s first boutique was to create a place where everyone could afford to feel beautiful which meant high style with heart, no attitude or sticker shock. Her concept of fashion under $100 without sacrificing quality and ensuring priceless, first class customer service has paved the way for fab’rik’s success. Her first store in Atlanta, GA soon became the go to spot to purchase your most complimented outfit. With fab’rik growing as it was, customers began asking for stores in their own city. Dana realized she needed to grow the radius of fab’rik, so she took a leap of faith and began franchising locations to allow other like-minded, big-hearted business women to own their own fab'rik. Now with 40 locations and growing, fab'rik is well on its way to becoming a household brand known for High Style with Heart.
At fab'rik we believe while clothes can’t change the world, the women who wear them can! Our non-profit, free fab‘rik, hosts free shopping sprees for young ladies in need. Our mission is to restore strength, dignity and hope to women who have lost theirs as a result of the terrible world of sex trafficking. We build Dream Boutiques and host weekly free shopping sprees at safe houses so the ladies can experience the thrill of boutique shopping without the pressure of price tags. Volunteers come to shop, pray and spend time getting to know these brave women. Our customers love that they can come to fab’rik to both look good and do good. Our fab’rik addicts will literally give the clothing off their back to ensure other women look and feel beautiful. The heart of our company rounds out our vision to make women feel beautiful inside and out, one piece of fabric at a time.